Beer Finder

THREE things Head Brewer Eric wants you to know about our newest beer, Bowery Bite!

1. What type of beer is it?

Bowery Bite is an Extra Special Bitter(ESB) that will bring you back to the wild days of Coney Island. Named after our own street that was once filled with fun and debauchery, this brightly filtered, copper English-style ale begins with a strong herbal and floral hop aroma, with caramel malt undertones. Intense toasted biscuit, and a subtle hint of roasted, malt flavor is finished with a piney and pleasant hop bite.

ABV:  5.8%  ||  IBU:  40  ||  Hops:  Northern Brewer, East Kent Goldings, Fuggles

2. Where’d the name come from?

The name comes from an O. Henry short story where he visits Coney Island and laments (bitterly) about the commercialization and tameness of the carnival style booth games (some more offensive than others) on Bowery. Not unlike it’s Manhattan counterpart, The Bowery was a wild place where police often turned a blind eye to late night music, drinking, and gambling antics. .

3. When can we try it?

It’s hitting the Coney Island Brewery taps on Friday, April 7th… National Beer Day!

It’s a brewery exclusive so #TaketheRide and come visit us on the boardwalk this weekend!